Chapter Exhibits: 16-19

Exhibit A1-1, "Playgirl Threat to Security" and A1-2, "The Elusive Ellen Does a Fade Away"

Exhibits 16-13A, John Delane Williams and Debra Conway, "The Don Reynolds Testimony and LBJ,” Kennedy Assassination Chronicles, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2001
13B The Halfen List
Warren Commission Document 350, Hoover to Rankin,” January 31, 1964

Exhibit 16-1, E. Howard Hunt personnel file summary, note on Angleton and Varona with no date specified, p 7 of multiple excerpts.
Exhibit 16-2, photograph of Herminio Diaz Garcia.
Exhibit 16-3, newspaper article on Trafficante's expulsion from Cuba .
Exhibit 16-4 Reference: Tanenbaum memo to Purdy, March 14, 1977.
Exhibit 16-5, selection of newspaper reports on Quesada activities and remarks.
Exhibit 16-6, memorandum from Louis Ivon to Jim Garrison reference Bernardo De Torres; exhibit 16-6A Miami, Florida Police Memo, Suspect in Presidential Assassination, exhibit 16-7, Garrison expense payments to De Torres.
Exhibit 16-8, selection of Miami and New Orleans newspaper articles in reference to the involvement of De Torres in the Garrison investigation.
Exhibit 16-10, Justice Department memorandum from Vinson and Yeagley (Assistant Attorney Generals to Ramsey Clark, U.S Attorney General- meeting with Shaw attorneys; exhibit 16-12, CIA Garrison Team Meeting notes for Team Meeting 1 and 2.
Exhibit 17-1, Dallas Morning News, June 10, 1978, "Cubans' friend believes Oswald contacted exile leader," by Earl Goltz; from Volume III Number 12 of Penn Jones, "The Continuing Inquiry".
Exhibit 17-2, Department of Army memo to Director FBI, Subject Frente Revolucianairo Anti-Communism in Cuba dealing with Aguilar and Hargraves; exhibit 17-3, HSCA memo of 6/29/78 by Patricia Orr on Aguilar associates.
Exhibit 17-4, Biographical Summary of Russell Douglas Matthews, excerpted from Vol. 5, issue 12 of Penn Jones "Continuing Inquiry" newsletter.
Exhibits 17- 5, Billy Sol Links LBJ to Murder, Dallas Morning News 3/23/83; 17-6 Letter from Stephen S. Trott, Assistant Attorney General to Douglas Caddy, Attorney at Law re. Billy Sol Estes May 29, 1984; 17-7, response letter to Mr. Trott from Mr. Caddy re Billy Sol Estes ­ with details on Carter information, August 9, 1984.