13 |
Exhibit 13-1, FBI
reports and memoranda on Dallas Downtown Lincoln-Mercury Oswald
incident, September 1964. |
Exhibit 13-3, FBI
report of 11/27/63; interview with Ralph Yates and his uncle,
Mr. J. O. Smith. |
Exhibit 13-5, September
16, 1967 memorandum. |
Exhibit 13-6, Department
of Justice memo, April 6, 1977, Assassination of President John
Fitzgerald Kennedy, November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas. |
Exhibit 14-6; photo
of Jack Ruby and Oswald press conference. |
14 |
References include
Court Documents, a letter from Abraham Bolden to Senator Edward
Long in April of 1965 and the HSCA interview with Abraham Bolden
in 1978, Record Number 180-10070-10273; exhibits 14-1, Bolden
letter to Senator Edward Long. |
Exhibit 14-2, exhibit 14-2,
HSCA interview memorandum on Abraham Bolden; exhibit 14-3, HSCA
memorandum on Bolden, 1/19/78. |
Exhibit 12-5, 70 pages of sworn
testimony by William Walter delivered to the HSCA on March 23,
1978. |
Exhibit 14- 6,
recreation of teletype prepared as sample by Walter. |
Exhibit, 14-7,
FBI Memorandum of 10/23/75 cover memo (letters missing)
for series of internal FBI letters pertaining to Walter's allegation. |
15 |
Exhibit, 15-1 text
of Martino article "Cuba and the Kennedy Assassination"
from January 1964; exhibit 15-2, On Target, July 1966 featured
speaker list for Patriotic Party organizational meetings as published
in Minutemen monthly newsletter. |
Exhibit 15-1, series
of letters to Lee Oswald, Robert Kennedy, President Johnson as
well as the Voice of America. |
Exhibit 15-3, CIA
document on surveillance of Kostikov in November of 1963. |
Exhibit 15-4 |
Exhibit 15-5 |
Exhibit 15-6 |
Exhibit 15-7 |
Exhibit 15-5 |
Exhibit 15-8 |
.Exhibit 15-9 |
Exhibit 15-10 |
Exhibit 15-11 |
Exhibit 15-12 |
Exhibit 15-13 |
Exhibit 15-14; The President's
Daily Diary, logs and entries for Nov 22-24. |